Daten. Leben.
Property Management and Land Assets

State Ministry for Urban Development and the Environment.

With some 1,200 employees, the State Ministry for Urban Development (BSU) is one of the largest offices (ministries) in Hamburg.

The BSU’s primary focus is on:

  • building regulation/supervision
  • land use planning and regional policy
  • housing and housing development
  • integrated district development
  • urban renewal
  • climate and resource protection
  • nature and soil protection
  • air pollution control, noise protection
  • water protection and management
  • waste management, cleanliness in the city

A move was a key part of the plan to dissolve the specialist archive and digitise 160,000 files with a total of 6 million documents and 400,000 drawings dating back to 1885.


  • Digitisation of 6 million documents and 400,000 drawings
  • Sent to DMS ELDORADO
  • Weekly collection of documents
  • Provision of files on demand, even during digitisation

The task

The previous archive had an area of ​​approx. 500 square metres and was too small and too expensive to run. Because the office is obligated to store the files for all Hamburg properties on which drainage systems are located, a new, digital solution had to be found.

» Special requests were easily integrated into the service package and the high quality of the resolution
was met with great praise by our colleagues! «

The implementation

Like all project orders, this one started with an analysis and evaluation of the items being stored and a planning meeting. The entire planning and archiving process was demonstrated using test files. The files were collected from the customer on site on a weekly basis and taken to the digitisation site. The set project window of 6 months meant that up to 25 employees were involved in the project.

Processing was standardised using production software that records, monitors and logs all data. For the weekly deliveries, the customer received complete documentation, including statistics and forecasts for the entire project.

During the project, “discussions were also held to enable the project team to respond to procedures and processes and deliver the best possible quality within the ministry.

Customer benefits

Files are now accessible to every employee within seconds thanks to digitisation. Previously, files could only be viewed by one employee at a time and had to be requested and sent by regular post.

Another advantage: files that were not yet stored or that had been stored with other data in the existing database could be supplemented and corrected during the digitisation process.

Customer feedback

“Both Gudrun Langner, BSU Project Manager, and Stefan Töpfer, Project Con- sultant, agree that this project was a one- stop shop and a consistently positive experience.” ”We really enjoyed working with Reisswolf,” says Stefan Töpfer.“ We had two permanent contacts who provided files we requested during the digitisation extremely quickly as PDFs.”

Adding to that, Gudrun Langner says, “Special requests were easily integrated into the service package and the high quality of the resolution was met with praise by our colleagues, which clearly helped with acceptance.”

The next step

A follow-up project has already been implemented. Around 20,000 files were also digitised for the Property Management Tax Office.

Download project report

You have similar requirements or optimisation potentials
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