Daten. Leben.

The protection classes and security levels as defined by DIN 66399.

Step by step to the optimal data carrier destruction solution.

We at REISSWOLF not only claim to stand for efficient data management with the greatest possible data security and optimum data protection. As an active member of the DIN-66399 committee, we also helped to shape the legally binding framework from 2009–2012.

Owing to changes in the handling of media, it became necessary to update the previous statutory regulations on the secure destruction of data. Consequently, the German Institute for Standardisation (DIN) in cooperation with the Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information, the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) and REISSWOLF, developed a new standard for the proper destruction of data: DIN 66399 ‘Office machines – Destruction of data carriers’.  

The standard is intended to help you as the ‘master of your data’ to determine the required security level depending on the protection class of your data. We are happy to support you with the following overview or you may also contact us directly.

Click here to contact us

Note: Whenever you are dealing with personal data, protection class 1 is not really an option.

Protection class 1

Normal protection for internal data.

Protection class 2

High protection requirement for confidential data.

Protection class 3

Very high protection requirement for particularly confidential and secret data.

Information in original size


Information in
reduced form


Optical data carriers


Magnetic data carriers


Hard drives with magnetic data carrier


Electronic data carriers


Security level 1 » Protection class 1

For data carriers with general data that is to be made unreadable, e.g. catalogues or brochures, etc.

Strip width max. 12 mm

Particle size max. 160 mm²

Particle size max. 2000 mm²

Mechanically inoperable

Mechanically/ electronically inoperable

Mechanically/ electronically inoperable

Security level 2 » Protection class 1

For data carriers with internal data that is to be made unreadable, e.g. general internal work instructions, travel guidelines, forms, etc.

Strip width max. 6 mm

Particle size max. 30 mm²

Particle size max. 800 mm²

Particle size max. 2000 mm²



Security level 3 » Protection classes 1 & 2

For data carriers with sensitive and confidential data, e.g. offers, orders with personal address data.

Particle size max. 320 mm²

Particle size max. 10 mm²

Particle size max. 160 mm²

Particle size max. 320 mm²


Particle size max. 160 mm²

Security level 4 » Protection classes 2 & 3

For data carriers with particularly sensitive and confidential data, e.g. personnel data, employment contracts, balance sheets, tax documents of individuals, etc.

Particle size max. 160 mm²

Particle size max. 2.5 mm²

Particle size max. 30 mm²

Particle size max. 160 mm²

Split and deformed several times, particle size max. 2000 mm²

Particle size max. 30 mm²

Security level 5 » Protection classes 2 & 3

For data carriers with data to be kept secret, e.g. medical reports, construction plans, strategy papers, etc.

Particle size max. 30 mm²

Particle size max. 1 mm²

Particle size max. 10 mm²

Particle size max. 30 mm²

Split and deformed several times, particle size max. 320 mm²

Particle size max. 10 mm²

Security level 6 » SProtection class 3

For data carriers with data to be kept secret, where exceptionally high security precautions must be observed, e.g. research and development documents, etc.

Particle size max. 10 mm²

Particle size max. 0.5 mm²

Particle size max. 5 mm²

Particle size max. 10 mm²

Split and deformed several times, particle size max. 10 mm²

Particle size max. 1 mm²

Security level 7 » Protection class 3

For data carriers with top-secret data where the highest security precautions must be observed, e.g. data from military and security services.

Particle size max. 5 mm²

Particle size max. 0.2 mm²

Particle size max. 0.2 mm²

Particle size max. 2.5 mm²

Split and deformed several times, particle size max. 5 mm²

Particle size max. 0.5 mm²

Order the REISSWOLF service now for certified and guaranteed secure file and data destruction.

  • Regular collection service at a fixed monthly price
  • Best possible data protection
  • Maximum transparency, security and scheduling
  • Always scalable exactly as required
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