A good opportunity to put your own passwords to the test again and change them if necessary. It's hard to believe, but "1234" is still one of the most popular, but also most insecure passwords.
Since REISSWOLF has set itself the goal of making life and work with data as easy as possible for its customers and interested parties, we have compiled simple and effective tips here for you to make it more difficult for potential hackers and attackers to access their own data.
Tips for a strong password
- The password should not have any relation to your own person, i.e. no parts of your name, address, birthday, etc.
- The more special characters and digits you use, the greater the combination possibilities and thus the harder it is to crack the password.
- Less than eight characters are not advisable, more characters are always better.
- Use different passwords for different accounts and change them regularly.
Sounds effective, but anything but simple? But it is. Just think of a sentence that you can remember well and form the password from the first letters. For example, "My password may not be perfect, but secure" is the password "Mpmnbpbs". Or "My first dog was called Susi" becomes "MfdwcS". What is automatically the case here can be a further complication for hackers: Alternating uppercase and lowercase letters, whereby you should not always start with capital letters. If you then add special characters and numbers, your password fulfils more than just the minimum requirements for a strong password.
P.S.: If you come up with the bold and by no means recommendable idea of immortalizing your passwords on Post-its or in notebooks – write at least whole sentences there from now on, there is a little hope that these will not be directly identified as passwords.