Who has not yet experienced the long stressful days in the office? You snack quickly while working, don't go out in the breaks, but rather answer a few urgent mails...
Everyone probably knows them, these days.
That the combination of irregular meals, stress and lack of exercise is not healthy is nothing new. And yet many of us find it so difficult to change this situation and pay more attention to ourselves and our health.
Some health insurance companies therefore offer short online work-outs that can be quickly and effectively integrated into everyday office life.
One example is the Deutsche Angestellten Krankenkasse (DAK). From relaxation to exercises to strengthen the muscles, the DAK has put together various short work-outs under "FitnessPause".
Short explanatory videos illustrate the exercises so that they can be carried out easily and with little effort at the workplace.
Just give it a try. We wish you lots of fun and success in participating!