Daten. Leben.

Environmental authority and REISSWOLF connected by ÖKOPROFIT

Julia Hochleitner from REISSWOLF (centre) and other ÖKOPROFIT participants. All participants were tested in advance.

In the 1990s, the "ÖKOlogische(s) PROjekt Für Integrierte UmweltTechnik" (Eng.: Ecological project for integrated environmental technology) was established in Graz, Austria. The goal: a cross-sectoral corporate environmental management system that is promoted by cities and municipalities and improves the environmental balance not only in the companies, but for everyone on site. In Germany, Munich has been active as a system leader since 1998 and informs other municipalities & companies in the implementation of the environmental consulting program. In the process, Germany can now present a proud record: More than 4,000 companies in over 100 municipalities are ÖKOPROFIT-certified and committed.  

What makes it special is the networking of municipal authorities, supply and disposal companies, and chambers of commerce and trade with Hamburg companies from really all sectors and across all company sizes. Climate protection and sustainability are being driven forward continuously and with great commitment through resource conservation and more effective organization.

A great project that had its ceremonial kick-off for a new round on May 31 at the Hamburg Environmental Authority. Over the next few months, 16 companies will be put through their paces in workshops and individual on-site consultations to find out how they can reduce their consumption of energy and raw materials, encourage their employees to be more environmentally committed and thus also improve their competitiveness and image. We are pleased that REISSWOLF is involved and even more pleased that we are working together with well-known Hamburg sites such as the Elbphilharmonie, the Laeiszhalle, the Deutsches Schauspielhaus, the St. Katharinen Church as well as companies from the real estate, film, health and food sectors to become more environmentally aware & sustainable. We will be happy to report on our joint steps & successes at loose intervals.

Impressive figures show how successful these projects have been over the past 20 years. Through small and large-scale measures in the areas of energy efficiency, renewable energies, mobility, circular economy and resource efficiency, sustainable procurement, organization, communication. As well as and biodiversity, ÖKOPROFIT projects throughout Germany since 1998:

  • 7 million tons less CO2 produced. According to Ökopol, this corresponds to the CO2 storage capacity of around 5% of the forest areas in Germany.
  • 5 terawatt hours less electricity consumed & just as much heat saved. This amount of energy could supply 75,000 households for 20 years or heat 22,000 homes over this period.
  • Water consumption reduced by more than 22 million cubic meters.
  • 880 million kilowatt hours less fuel consumed and more than 1 million tons of waste avoided.


To achieve these goals, a total of 1.3 billion euros was invested in environmental and climate protection. As well as 1.1 billion euros in cost savings. Good reasons for hopefully many more followers and contributors. Don't you agree?


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